Paris Match
Novembre 2019
"Les chiens tirent sur leur laisse pour entrer ici !"
"Accueillis à grands renforts de friandises, les chiens ont trouvé ici leur eldorado."

Paris Match
Novembre 2019
Avril 2019
Chez le Chien offre une médaille
"Je m'appelle Némo, j'habite à l'Élysée"
offerte au couple présidentiel,
pour laquelle elle a été remercié
par la Première dame personnellement !

Avril 2011
Paris’ beautiful Chez Le Chien is located slightly off the beaten path not far from the Arc de Triomphe.
In 2006 Nanette Dumonteil and then partner (and former Polo Ralph Lauren co-worker) decided to follow their pet loving passion and open a store they knew Parisian pet owners were missing.
Pashmina, Nanette’s Labrador Flat-coat Retriever is to thank.
Whenever Nanette visited the US she made it a point to shop at local pet boutiques and bring Pashmina back the latest and greatest fashion accessories.
When Nanette couldn’t find the same special products in Paris, Chez Le Chien, translated as “At The Dog’s”, was born.
“I give all the credit to my muse, Pashmina.”
"Chez le Chien has the feel of a US boutique; brimming with treats, beds, collars, accessories and specialty food.
Many of these products are imported from the US, which allows the locals to purchase truly unique items they cannot find anywhere else in Paris. We have been carrying Up Country collars and leads since the store opened in 2006. I first saw the brightly colored collars on Nantucket and fell in love with their designs. Today, our most popular styles are the Bandana, Hearts and Flowers, and Aztec Blue. The Union Jack pattern is a favorite for soccer matches! We carry at least 30 different designs at a time."
Chez le Chien also displays different artist exhibits on the bast walls of the store. "During the end of April and into May a young artist who teaches children ages 8 - 10 will be bringing in the children's dog themed work they've created in her class. It will be a sight to see!"
You will feel completely at home in this beautiful boutique and enjoy chatting with fellow dog enthusiasts. "I love how the contact with pet owners is so easy and natural. People adore chatting about their dogs; how they got their dog, the sadness when the dog leaves and how much we get from our dogs every day. I love the connection,"
If you are lucky enough to be a Parisian resident or visitor, be sure to stop by Chez le Chien and say "Bonjour" to Nanette!